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SUNIFIRAM (DM-235) [testy przerwano]

Lord Cappuccino

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Związek o właściwościach nootropowych znacznie silniejszych niż klasyczne racetamy. Ampakina, wpływa na LPT, zwiększa uwalnianie acetylocholiny.


Opis po ang. z peaknootropics:

Sunifiram, also known as DM-235, is a piperazine derivative of Piracetam that is commonly associated with Racetam compounds even though they are technically not part of that particular class. It has been shown to have nootropic effects in animal test subjects; according to scientific studies, these effects are noted to be stronger than Piracetam. Currently, it is set aside for research study only.




Sunifiram operates by activating AMPA receptors; that is, the receptors that are responsible for the mediation of synaptic transmission in the central nervous system. Its mechanics also increases phosphorylation of AMPAR and NMDAR through protein kinase activation, which in turn enhances long-term potentiation – that is, an enhancement in signal transmission between two neurons resulting from simultaneous stimulation.


The kinase activation that is influenced by Sunifiram also improves cognitive defects. Additionally, Sunifiram works in the cerebral cortex of animal test subjects by assisting in the release of acetylcholine, the organic molecule that acts as a neurotransmitter in a host of various organisms. These operational mechanisms enable Sunifiram to exert anti-amnesiac properties.




Because scientific study has determined that Sunifiram’s operational mechanics promote properties that are anti-amnesiac in nature, there is great hope that it can potentially be used as a cognitive enhancer. This level of enhancement is believed to be associated with brain functionality as it relates to learning and memory. These particular enhancements have been linked to Sunifiram’s ability to improve long-term potentation through the activation of NMDA and AMPA receptors.


According to scientific research conducted on bulbectomized mice with hippocampal dependent memory blockages (that is, induced amnesia), Sunifiram was able to help eliminate these mental deficiencies in the subjects.


In one particular study, the mice subjects were tested on their ability to escape a maze while receiving doses of Sunifiram while under the influence of induced amnesia. The result of this test showed that these particular mice had demonstrated a significant decrease in amnesic effects as determined by their escape latency scores.


Based on these findings on mice test subjects, scientific research has determined that Sunifiram could play a significant role in the treatment of various mental-based ailments. The chief ailment amongst these various conditions is Alzheimer’s disease; a brain-related affliction that progressively weakens and damages mental processes and cognitive activities and eventually leads to death.


The theory here is that the anti-amnesiac properties exhibited by Sunifiram can work to maintain a more consistent level of mental homeostasis through an increased stimulation of neurons and synapses in the cerebral cortex.




According to clinical research on animal test subjects, it has been determined that Sunifiram has a host of potential benefits. Some of these potential benefits include:


Improved decision making

A greater ability to convert short-term memory into long-term memory

Improved motor skills via increased control over muscle contraction

Enhanced memory and retention of learned information and activities



Currently, there is not any known toxicity that is associated with Sunifiram. Scientific study on animal test subjects which noted Sunifiram’s efficacy (that is, the ability to produce a therapeutic effect of a given intervention) failed to detect any overtly toxic symptoms even when a 1mg dosage was injected. This dose was significantly higher than Sunifiram’s minimum effective dose of .001 mg.


Scientific research has also determined that animal test subjects have a tendency to build up a tolerance to Sunifiram on a rapid basis. This process of tolerance is slowed down when Sunifiram was introduced sparingly as opposed to a consistent basis.


Additionally, scientific research on animal test subjects have yielded a minimal amount of side effects in relation to Sunifiram’s usage, and it has been theorized that the side effects that do exist relate to pain that is consistent with headaches.




Because of Sunifiram’s mechanical operations and their ability to demonstrate anti-amnesic properties, it has been theorized that it can potentially play a key role in the treatment of various mental afflictions up to and including Alzheimer’s disease. That said, it should be stated that all research and theories in relation to Sunifiram’s usage and potential benefits is still under the guise of scientific study.


Bezpieczeństwo związku nie jest dobrze poznane, brak badań na ludziach, może wykazywać ekscytotoksyczność w wyższych dawkach (ale nie jest to potwierdzone).

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Stosowalem swego czasu to cudenko. Tylko dziala ono na mnie dziwnie. Jednorazowo jak wsunalem dawke 120mg~ (tak, cholernie duza), to ledwo wyczuwalem efekt. Jednakze gdy bralem 30mg dziennie (i tak duzo), to po jakims czasie czulem, ze jest to za duza dawka i musialem zmniejszyc do 20. Fakt, ze nie jest dobrze przebadana martwil mnie troche, to tez odpuscilem sobie, aczkolwiek mam jeszcze tego sporo. Tania, mocna i na dlugo wystarcza w kazdym razie.


Innym problemem jest to, jak na mnie dziala ten nootrop. Ogolem stosujac regularnie czulem, ze lekko kreci mi sie w glowie. A jak wlasciwosci nootropowe? Powiedzmy, ze normalnie zjadam kartke slowek z jezyka obcego w 20-30minut, tutaj zjadalem w 5 minut, gdzie po jednym przeczytaniu pamietalem juz 3/4 tej strony. Aczkolwiek nie czuc tego tak normalnie, dopiero w praktyce. W kazdym razie ten srodek ma sile.

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