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Minął dzień.

Mój kolejny skok w nieznane.

Twoja dłoń w ciepłym oceanie moich rąk.

Ciepła noc.

Cicho się przekrada ludzie śpią, niby nic wokół się nie dzieje,

tylko coś.......?


Niby nic, ale wokół coś nie daje spać.

Niby nic, w sercu jednak ciągle czuję strach.

Twoja twarz przytulona uspokaja mnie,

chciałbym spać, jednak tak do końca nie da się.



Czemu sen nie przychodzi kiedy chcę

może wiesz!

Czemu mrok cały czas pochłania mnie

może wiesz!

Uratuj mnie!!


Twoja dłoń delikatnie uspokaja mnie chciałbym spać,

jednak tak do końca nie da się.

Przytul mnie, dotknij moich ust i pozwól wstać.

Nowy dzień może da mi szansę jeszcze raz.

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Akurat- Kiedy wrócę tu


Kiedy wrócę tu


Wyruszam w drogę, daleką drogę

Trwać niby bezpiecznie już dłużej nie mogę

Chcę odkryć to, co zakryte przede mną

Chce szukać tego, choć może nadaremną

Chcę poznać prawdę o sobie samym

Kim jestem, co robię tutaj między wami

Zostawiam wszystko, co wspominam najmilej

Bo choć ważne było, to tylko na chwilę


Porzucam to, co było najciekawsze

Bo cieszyło mnie, jednak nigdy na zawsze [x2]



Kiedy wrócę tu

Jeśli wrócę kiedyś

Jeśli znajdę to

Po co szedłem wtedy


Jeśli zapytacie

To odpowiem wam

Żyję, kocham, ufam

I prawdę już znam [x2]


Udaję się sam na najwyższy szczyt

Gdzie nie ma półprawd i nie przetrwa nikt

Gdzie wszystko widać od góry w dół

Gdzie ujrzę całość, a nie prawdy pół

Spędzę w ogromnym lesie długie tygodnie

Zapomnę to, co proste i wygodne

Gdy wszystkie demony podejdą blisko

Gdy cisza i ciemność przerośnie wszystko


Wtedy pójdę dalej, jeśli starczy mnie

Tak trudno jest zbudzić się po długim śnie [x2]

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Zapowiadano duszny wyż

tymczasem od piętnastu dni

nie można było pozbyć się uczucia żalu

zataczałem sie we mgle

najpierw byłaś obok mnie

albo nie było cie wcale


Zrozum jeśli nie będę umiał zmusić się do życia

wybacz jeśli nie będę umiał powstrzymać się od picia

musi minąć kilka dni zanim zduszę w sobie wstyd

zanim nabiorę nowych sił


Nie wiem w którą stronę

nie wiem dokąd moge dotrzeć

uwalniam swoją wolę

zaczynam nową drogę

w miejsca których nie ogarnie myśl


Zastrzeliłem się

październikiem w łeb

w bramie obok mnie

leżał martwy i modlił się jak mógł

ten sam pijany bóg którego ja wzywałem


A teraz jeśli nie będę umiał powstrzymać się od śmiechu

to nie masz prawa pijany stracze policzyc tego grzechu

musi minąć kilka dni zanim zdławisz w sobie krzyk

zanim nabierzesz nowych sił


Nie wiem w którą stronę

nie wiem dokąd moge dotrzeć

uwalniam swoją wolę

zaczynam nową drogę

w miejsca których nie ogarnie..

nie wiem w którą stronę

nie wiem dokąd moge dotrzeć

uwalniam swoją wolę

zaczynam nową drogę

w miejsca których nie ogarnie myśl

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Helloween - Forever and One


What can I do?

Will I be getting through?

Now that I must try to leave it all behind

Did you see

What you have done to me?

So hard to justify

Slowly it's passing by


Forever and one I will miss you

However, I kiss you yet again

Way down in Neverland

So hard I was trying

Tomorrow I'll still be crying

How could you hide your lies

Your lies


Here I am

Seeing you once again

My mind's so far away

My heart's so close to stay

Too proud to fight

I'm walking back into night

Will I ever find someone to believe?


Forever and one I will miss you

However, I kiss you yet again

Way down in Neverland

So hard I was trying

Tomorrow I'll still be crying

How could you hide your lies

Your lies


Forever and one I will miss you

However, I kiss you yet again

Way down in Neverland

So hard I was trying

Tomorrow I'll still be crying

How could you hide your lies

Your lies

Your lies


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Marillion - Script for a Jester's Tear


Przepis na błazeńskie łzy


A więc jestem znów

Na placu zabaw złamanych serc

Jeszcze jedno doświadczenie, jeszcze jedna notatka

We własnoręcznie napisanym pamiętniku

I zarazem jeszcze jedno emocjonalne samobójstwo

Przedawkowałem uczucia i dumę

Za późno by powiedzieć, że cię kocham

Za późno by raz jeszcze odegrać przedstawienie

Porzucam relikwie

Na mym wczorajszym placu zabaw


Przegrywam na huśtawkach

Przegrywam na karuzelach

Przegrywam na huśtawkach

Przegrywam na karuzelach

Zbyt wiele, zbyt szybko, zbyt daleko by iść

Za późno by bawić się dalej - gra jest skończona

Gra jest skończona


A więc jestem znów na placu zabaw

Złamanych serc

Przegrywam na huśtawkach,

Przegrywam na karuzelach

Gra jest skończona,. skończona...


I zarazem jeszcze jedno emocjonalne samobójstwo

Przedawkowałem uczucia i dumę

Przegrywam na huśtawkach,

Przegrywam na karuzelach

Gra jest skończona


Za późno by powiedzieć, że cię kocham

Za późno by raz jeszcze odegrać przedstawienie

Gra jest skończona


Odtwarzam swoją rolę w klasycznym stylu męczennika

Jestem bohaterem o wykrzywionym uśmiechu

Aby wykrwawić rymy tej piosenki

Opisać rytuały, którymi mam naprawić swe błędy

Epitafium dla zaprzepaszczonego marzenia

By egzorcyzmami wskrzesić niemy krzyk

Krzyk zrodzony z cierpienia


Nigdy nie napisałem tej miłosnej pieśni

Słowa jakoś nigdy nie cisnęły mi się na usta

Teraz smutny nurzam się we wspomnieniach -

Czyżbym spoglądał przez ideał?

Badam cienie po drugiej stronie poranka

I badam cienie po drugiej stronie żałoby

Obiecane wesele stało się stypą

Obiecane wesele stało się stypą,

Stypą, stypą...


Głupiec zbiegły z raju

Spojrzy przez ramię i zapłacze

Usiądzie i gryząc narcyzy

Będzie powtarzał "dlaczego?"

A gdy dorośniesz i opuścisz plac zabaw

Gdzie pocałowałaś swego księcia

I znalazłaś swoją żabę

Przypomnij sobie błazna który pokazał ci łzy

Przepis na łzy

Ja schowam swój spokój na zawsze

Gdy ty będziesz paradować w swej ślubnej sukni

W ciszy mego wstydu

Niemowa który nauczył się pieśni syren

Jest już solistą w tej grze,

Stałem się solistą w tej grze

Lecz gra jest skończona


Czy wciąż możesz powiedzieć, że mnie kochasz?

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Tori Amos - Spark


She's addicted to nicotine patches

She's addicted to nicotine patches

She's afraid of the light in the dark

6:58 are you sure where my spark is





She's convinced she could hold back a glacier

But she couldn't keep Baby alive

Doubting if there's a woman in there somewhere



You say you don't want it again

And again but you don't really mean it

You say you don't want it

This circus we're in

But you don't you don't really mean it

You don't really mean it

if the Divine master plan is perfection

Maybe next I'll give Judas a try

Trusting my soul to the ice cream assassin



You say you don't want it again

And again but you don't really mean it

You say you don't want it

This cirucs we're in

But you don't you don't really mean it

You don't really mean it

How may fates turn around in the overtime

Ballerinas that have fins that you'll never find

You thought that you were the bomb yeah

Well so did I

Say you don't want it

Say you don't want it

Say you don't want it again

And again but you don't really mean it

Say you don't want it

This circus we're in

But you don't you don't really mean it

You don't really mean it


She's addicted to nicotine patches

She's afraid of the light in the dark

6:58 are you sure where my spark is


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Peter Gabriel - Digging in the dirt


Something in me, dark and sticky

All the time it's getting strong

No way of dealing with this feeling

Can't go on like this too long


This time you've gone too far

This time you've gone too far

This time you've gone too far,

I told you, I told you, I told you, I told you



Don't talk back, just drive the car

Shut your mouth, I know what you are

Don't say nothing, keep your hands on the wheel

Don't turn around, this is for real


Digging in the dirt

Stay with me I need support

I'm digging in the dirt

Find the places I got hurt

Open up the places I got hurt


The more I look, the more I find

As I close on in, I get so blind

I feel it in my head, I feel it in my toes

I feel it in my sex, that's the place it goes


Digging in the dirt, to find the places we got hurt...

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Maanam - You or me


Getting closer, closer, closer

Day of equal possibilities

Without protection, without lies

Day of equal opportunity


Who will be stronger, be stronger

You or me

Who will shine brighter, shine brighter

You or me


I will recall all my dreams


What do you dream, if you dream

Victim and killer

You or me


Who will be stronger . . .


That will be a day of truth

Without protection, without lies

Mother will search for son

in tears


Only this . . .

Who will be stronger . . .


That will be a day of truth

Sucked-up into a sea of stars

Leaving millions of galaxies

Who will shine brighter

You or me

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[videoyoutube=3EOyDYnEhvQ]Edyta Bartosiewicz - Tatuaż[/videoyoutube]



(Muzyka i słowa: Edyta Bartosiewicz)

(Płyta „Sen”)


Nie zawsze możesz mieć co chcesz

Choć gonisz tak że brak ci tchu

Gdy wszystko nagle traci sens

Wciąż może być dobrze dobrze dobrze!

Ja to znam

Wciąż może być dobrze dobrze

Gdy nie boisz się nie


Popłyniesz dalej z każdym dniem

Gdzieś gdzie nic nie będzie już dziwić cię

I z każdą chwilą twoje dni coraz mniej realne są

Nie dziwisz się


Tatuaż zdobi twoją pierś

I w twojej głowie pełno tatuaży

Gdy w jednej chwili zmieniasz się

I jest ci tak dobrze dobrze dobrze

I ja to znam

Jest ci tak dobrze dobrze

Gdy nie boisz się nie




A kiedy nagle kiedy

Nagle zbudzisz się

To nie będziesz wcale ty

To nie jesteś już ty...



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Madonna - Vouge



Strike a pose

Strike a pose

Vogue, vogue, vogue

Vogue, vogue, vogue


Look around everywhere you turn is heartache

It's everywhere that you go [look around]

You try everything you can to escape

The pain of life that you know [life that you know]


When all else fails and you long to be

Something better than you are today

I know a place where you can get away

It's called a dance floor, and here's what it's for, so




Come on, vogue

Let your body move to the music [move to the music]

Hey, hey, hey

Come on, vogue

Let your body go with the flow [go with the flow]

You know you can do it


All you need is your own imagination

So use it that's what it's for [that's what it's for]

Go inside, for your finest inspiration

Your dreams will open the door [open up the door]


It makes no difference if you're black or white

If you're a boy or a girl

If the music's pumping it will give you new life

You're a superstar, yes, that's what you are, you know it


(chorus, substituting "groove" for "move")


Beauty's where you find it

Not just where you bump and grind it

Soul is in the musical

That's where I feel so beautiful

Magical, life's a ball

So get up on the dance floor




Vogue, [Vogue]

Beauty's where you find it [move to the music]

Vogue, [Vogue]

Beauty's where you find it [go with the flow]


Greta Garbo, and Monroe

Deitrich and DiMaggio

Marlon Brando, Jimmy Dean

On the cover of a magazine


Grace Kelly; Harlow, Jean

Picture of a beauty queen

Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire

Ginger Rogers, dance on air


They had style, they had grace

Rita Hayworth gave good face

Lauren, Katherine, Lana too

Bette Davis, we love you


Ladies with an attitude

Fellows that were in the mood

Don't just stand there, let's get to it

Strike a pose, there's nothing to it


Vogue, vogue


Oooh, you've got to

Let your body move to the music

Oooh, you've got to just

Let your body go with the flow

Oooh, you've got to


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John Foxx - The Garden


We've been sleeping in the garden

Breath of summer, breath of gold

As we turn against the sweep of hills

The sky's aglow

We fade away

We fade away

She burns away in light and silver

Luminous through all these years

Every gesture filled with longings

I still feel

We fade away

We fade away

We fade away

We fade away

I see you standing in the long light

Dress discarded, windows glow

All across the wild horizons

The sunset goes

We fade away

We fade away

We fade away

We fade away

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Abba - The Day Before You Came


Must have left my house at eight, because I always do

My train, Im certain, left the station just when it was due

I must have read the morning paper going into town

And having gotten through the editorial, no doubt I must have frowned

I must have made my desk around a quarter after nine

With letters to be read, and heaps of papers waiting to be signed

I must have gone to lunch at half past twelve or so

The usual place, the usual bunch

And still on top of this Im pretty sure it must have rained

The day before you came


I must have lit my seventh cigarette at half past two

And at the time I never even noticed I was blue

I must have kept on dragging through the business of the day

Without really knowing anything, I hid a part of me away

At five I must have left, theres no exception to the rule

A matter of routine, Ive done it ever since I finished school

The train back home again

Undoubtedly I must have read the evening paper then

Oh yes, Im sure my life was well within its usual frame

The day before you came


Must have opened my front door at eight oclock or so

And stopped along the way to buy some chinese food to go

Im sure I had my dinner watching something on tv

Theres not, I think, a single episode of dallas that I didnt see

I must have gone to bed around a quarter after ten

I need a lot of sleep, and so I like to be in bed by then I must have read a while

The latest one by marilyn french or something in that style

Its funny, but I had no sense of living without aim

The day before you came


And turning out the light

I must have yawned and cuddled up for yet another night

And rattling on the roof I must have heard the sound of rain

The day before you came

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Saybia - Angel (specjalnie dla jednego użytkownika tego forum. Ta osoba wie dla kogo :P)


It's not the world that's out of order

It's me, it's me

Guess I ran along my borders

Just to see, just to see


If a friendly face would drop by and rescue me

But I lost my faith as I lost my way


It's not the street that's made of concrete

It's you, it's you

Guess I try to penetrate it with this point of view

I had never taken more than I give to you

I was led astray and I lost my way


Never felt so alone

Stripped naked and cold to the bone

Lost my faith in her on my own

With no queue by the door to my home


It's not the light that casts the shadow

It's doubt, it's doubt

As a melancholic sorrow came about, came about


I had never fought as hard though as I do for you

I'm not getting strong to prove I'm wrong


Never felt so alone

Stripped naked and cold to the bone

Lost my faith in her on my own

With no queue by the door to my home


And god sent an angel

An angel

She's an angel

An angel...


Never felt so alone

Stripped naked and cold to the bone

Lost my faith in her on my own

With no queue by the door to my home

God sent an angel

Sent an angel

She's an angel

An angel

She's an aaaa... an angel


It's not my life that's obsolete

It's youth, my youth

Guess it took a while for me to see the truth, see the truth

I got stuck in minor details so I missed the point

I got so much more than I bargained for...

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Sarah McLachlan - Angel





Spend all your time waiting for that second chance

For a break that would make it okay

Theres always some reason

To feel not good enough

And its hard at the end of the day

I need some distraction

oh beautiful release

Memories seep from my veins

Let me be empty

oh and weight-less and maybe

I'll find some peace tonight


In the arms of an angel

Fly away from here

From this dark, cold hotel room

And the endlessness that you fear

You are pulled from the wreckage

Of your silent reverie

You're in the arms of the angel

May you find some comfort here


Your so tired of the straightline

That everywhere you turn

There's vultures and thieves at your back

Storm keeps on twisting

Keep on building the lies

That you make up for all that you lack

It dont make no difference escaping one last time

Its easier to believe

In this sweet madness

Oh this glorious sadness

That brings me to my knees


In the arms of an angel

Fly away from here

From this dark, cold hotel room

And the endlessness that you fear

You are pulled from the wreckage

Of your silent reverie

You're in the arms of the angel

May you find some comfort here


You're in the arms of the angel

May you find

Some comfort here

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Angel, angel... od razu mi się jeszcze jedna piosenka przypomniała:


Kelly Family - An Angel





I wish I had a pair of wings

Had them last night in my dreams

I was chasing butterflies

Till the sunrise broke my eyes


Tonight the sky has glued my eyes

Cause what they see's an angel hive

I've got to touch that magic sky

And greet the Angels in their hive


Sometimes I wish I were an Angel

Sometimes I wish I were you


And all the sweet honey from above

Pour it all over me sweet love

And while you're flying around my head

Your honey kissed keep me fed


I wish I had your pair of wings

Had them last night in my dreams

I was lost in paradise

Wish I'd never opened my eyes


Sometimes I wish I were an Angel

Sometimes I wish I were you


But there's danger in the air

Tryin' so hard to be unfair

Danger's in the air

Tryin' so hard to give us a scare

But we're not afraid


Sometimes I wish I were an Angel

Sometimes I wish I were you

Wish I were you

Oh I wish I were you

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Diana Krall - The Look Of Love


The look of love is in your eyes

A look your smile can't disguise

The look of love is saying so much more than just words could ever say

And what my heart has heard, well it takes my breath away


I can hardly wait to hold you, feel my arms around you

How long I have waited

Waited just to love you, now that I have found you


You've got the

Look of love, it's on your face

A look that time can't erase

Be mine tonight, let this be just the start of so many nights like this

Let's take a lover's vow and then seal it with a kiss


I can hardly wait to hold you, feel my arms around you

How long I have waited

Waited just to love you, now that I have found you

Don't ever go

Don't ever go

I love you so

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Celine Dion & Andrea Bocelli - The Prayer :*




I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go

And help us to be wise in times when we don't know

Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way

Lead us to the place, guide us with your grace

To a place where we'll be safe


La luce che tu hai

I pray we'll find your light

Nel cuore resterà

And hold it in our hearts

A ricordarci che

When stars go out each night,

Eterna stella sei



Nella mia preghiera

Let this be our prayer

Quanta fede c'è

When shadows fill our day


Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace

Give us faith so we'll be safe


Sognamo un mondo senza più violenza

Un mondo di giustizia e di speranza

Ognuno dia la mano al suo vicino

Simbolo di pace, di fraternità


La forza che ci dà

We ask that life be kind

È il desiderio che

And watch us from above

Ognuno trovi amor

We hope each soul will find

Intorno e dentro sé

Another soul to love


Let this be our prayer

Let this be our prayer, just like every child

Just like every child


Need to find a place, guide us with your grace

Give us faith so we'll be safe

Need to find a place, guide us with your grace

Give us faith so we'll be safe


È la fede che

Hai acceso in noi,

Sento che ci salverà

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W temacie angels:


Vienna Teng - Drought




Summer move forward and stitch me the fabric of fall

Wrap life in the brilliance of death to humble us all

How sweet is the day

I'm craving a darkness

As I sit tucked away with my back to the wall


And the taste of dried-up hopes in my mouth

And the landscape of merry and desperate drought

How much longer dear angels

Let winterlight come

And spread your white sheets over my empty house


Summer move forward and leave your heat anchored in dust

Forgotten him, cheated him, painted illusions of lust

Now language escape, fugitive of forgiveness

Leaving as trace only circles of rust


And the taste of dried-up hopes in my mouth

And the landscape of merry and desperate drought

How much longer dear angels

Come break me with ice

Let the water of calm trickle over my doubts


Come let me drown

Angels no fire no salt on the plow

Carry me down

Bury me down


And the taste of dried-up hopes in my mouth

And the landscape of merry and desperate drought

Once I knew myself

And with knowing came love

I would know love again if I had faith enough

Too far is next spring and her jubilant shout

So angels, inside

Is the only way out

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