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nie wiem tak jakoś ...


-- 27 lis 2013, 22:13 --


może mam do tego wszystkiego fobie społeczną bo miałem w życiu taki okres że nie chodziłem do liceum bo się bałem wychodzić z domu, czasami nie wiem czemu trochę się boje ostatnio ludziów,


Fobia społeczna wynika u Ciebie z NN. Miałam podobnie w dzieciństwie, ba i w dorosłosci.


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Even without negative childhood experiences, such as in the example above, a significant percentage of people with OCD develop Social Anxiety. As with depression and attention problems there seems to be some cause to believe that changes in brain functioning are responsible. With the exception of Major Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder is the most frequently seen comorbid feature in OCD. Social anxiety can interact with some types of obsessions to increase their intensity and make them more difficult to recover from.


TIP: While Social Anxiety tends to be chronic in nature, identifying subtle and obvious avoidances of social situations and then gradually reintroducing those situations provides progressive relief for most individuals.

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