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Treść opublikowana przez Magda1806

  1. dodalam przed chwila watek z materialami po angielsku. mozesz poszukac odpowiednikow po polsku. poszukaj na youtube cwiczenia relaksacyjne miesni JAcobsona i cwiczenia oddychowe, raczej unikalabym tez kawy. I cwiczenia z terapii poznawczo behawioralnej.
  2. Hello everybody I thought I would start a post with resources for anxieties and depression, emotional disregulation. Anyone who can add sth that worked for them (without harming) please feel free to add/comment. I thought to create sth like a strength post where you can find some resources. 1. self validation. I super recommend this or anything about self-validation when you are emotionally unwell (feeling intense, “unpleasant” emotions such as anger, sadness, fear). It is about saying to yourself that what you feel is valid and important taking into consideration your past life experiences even if it does not look like valid on the outside, embracing and telling yourself what you feel is correct, important and relevant. It is very self-soothing for me it is life changing as it is very soothing when I feel that the emotions are out of control This is taken from dialectical behavioural therapy which has many useful techniques to manage stress, and people interactions. Google DBT for more. 2. The cognitive behavioral therapy is recommended for anxiety and depression. It explains the connection between our thoughts-feelings-behaviour and that each elements impacts the other. If you modify one element, the others follow. 3 Instantly Calming CBT Techniques For Anxiety 3. There are multiple free mobile CBT applications (some are free) for anxiety and depression are available: 4. Progressive Muscle Relaxation. Our body sensation make us feel certain emotions, and have certain thoughts. If we modify body sensations, we will modify our emotions, and behaviour 5. If someone suffers from personality disorders (including Borderline Personality disorder) please have a look at what schemas therapy. I personally this is genial (tried it on myself) What is Schema Therapy? Vulnerable Child - The core of the Schema Therapy model What is Schema Therapy? How to overcome Childhood Emotional Neglect 6. TRE (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises) This looks quite bizarre, but it does work for me to unstress TRE® Tension, Stress, Trauma Release A Revolutionary Way To Feel Better At the same time if someone would be a kind soul to fill in my postgrad questionnaire it would bring a huuuuuuuge smile on my face it is annonymous and take about 30 minutes.